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Practice Management

3 Strategies to Increase Patient Referrals

Get noticed, known and remembered so you can attract the types of patient you'd like to treat. Create a better patient experience, gain a good reputation and be the recipient of positive referrals.

Mark J. Tager, MD |


How to Make Your Practice Stand Out in a Crowded Field

No matter the terminology-Integrative, Functional, Holistic, Wellness or Anti-Aging-a growing cadre of clinicians are now competing for the cash dollars of patients seeking a more personalized, root-cause health care experience. Don't just take my word for it; let's do the math: In this case, a simple LinkedIn search (February 2017) shows the following number of practitioners: Read more

Mark J. Tager, MD |


Be Present to Have More Presence

Presence. The healthcare marketing and social media gurus will tell you that you can't have enough of it. They even tell us that increasing your presence can be automated and systematized. It's easy: Turn on the machine, get more followers, enjoy the results of greater influence. For healthcare practitioners, especially physicians, it's a very seductive message. he prospect of gaining more online followers appeals to our achievement addicted, success scoring, comparison-creating nature. These are attitudes and behaviors that were reinforced in our upbringing and training. Don't get me wrong. I'm in favor of you getting more Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn followers.Practice and marketing management companies provide a valuable service in this regard. Read more

Mark J. Tager, MD |

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